Une ville charmante située au cœur des Pyrénées catalanes, entourée de sommets majestueux dépassant les 2 000 mètres d'altitude. Ces montagnes imposantes offrent non seulement un spectacle visuel impressionnant, mais fournissent également un cadre parfait pour une grande variété d'activités de plein air tout au long de l'année.
Les rivières Garonne et Nère serpentent à travers les artères principales de Vielha, ajoutant une touche de sérénité et de beauté naturelle à la ville. Ces rivières ne sont pas seulement importantes d'un point de vue paysager, mais offrent également des opportunités pour des activités aquatiques telles que la pêche et le rafting, qui attirent aussi bien les locaux que les touristes aventuriers.
Le centre commercial de Vielha est une partie dynamique de la ville, où les visiteurs peuvent trouver une large gamme de services spécialisés dans les sports d'aventure, la haute montagne et la neige. Des magasins de location de matériel aux guides touristiques experts, la ville est équipée pour répondre aux besoins des amateurs de nature et des sports extrêmes.
En plus de ses activités de plein air et de son centre commercial animé, Vielha possède également une riche histoire et culture. Ses rues pavées et ses bâtiments historiques offrent un voyage dans le temps, tandis que sa gastronomie locale ravit les palais les plus exigeants avec des plats traditionnels comme le "trinxat" et l'olla aranesa
Seen from a bicycle, life looks different: everything moves at the right pace, and you become part of a moving landscape. The Costa Brava and the Pyrenees of Girona offer a unique experience for cycling enthusiasts. With endless kilometers of routes and safe roads, this region eagerly awaits your arrival to explore it.
The Costa Brava offers you the chance to explore charming Mediterranean coves and picturesque fishing villages with traditional charm and delicious seafood cuisine. Meanwhile, the Pyrenees of Girona immerse you in spectacular mountain landscapes and medieval villages nestled among volcanoes. The network of secondary roads takes you through a variety of landscapes, from gentle hills to challenging high mountain passes.
Additionally, the region boasts excellent cycling infrastructure, from specialized accommodations to bike rental and repair services. So get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure on two wheels in one of the most beautiful corners of the world.
Gateway to unique natural spaces such as the Cap de Creus Natural Park and the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, Roses is much more than just a tourist destination. With a fascinating history and an identity shaped by multiple influences, this charming coastal town offers visitors a truly complete experience.
Throughout the centuries, Roses has attracted artists and creators who have found inspiration in its light and landscapes. Its historical heritage is also undeniable: from prehistoric remains in the surrounding area to the impressive Citadel, which houses vestiges from different eras, including Greco-Roman ruins and medieval fortifications. Every corner of this town invites visitors to discover its past, with traces of ancient civilizations still present today.
But Roses is not only about history and culture; it is also a paradise for nature lovers. Its privileged location between the sea and the mountains offers a stunning contrast of landscapes, with hidden coves, cliffs, and vast beaches. Additionally, its protected natural surroundings are home to exceptional biodiversity, making it an ideal destination for birdwatching, hiking, and numerous outdoor activities.
You are determined, the time has come to join the most transformative cycling challenge of your life. Choose which modality you want to participate in and enjoy the great adventure.